2012-11-12 来源:网络
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>过滤字符实例-学无忧(www.xue51.com)</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function filterlist(selectobj) { // 过滤对象 this.selectobj = selectobj;
//要过滤得字符-i表示忽略大小写,""表示不忽略 this.flags = 'i'; // 要过滤的项-选择是文本还是值 this.match_text = true; this.match_value = false; //调试参数 this.show_debug = false; //初始化的方法 this.init = function() { if (!this.selectobj) return this.debug('没有实现过滤的控件'); if (!this.selectobj.options) return this.debug('过滤控件中没有内容'); //制作选择项的副本 this.optionscopy = new Array(); if (this.selectobj && this.selectobj.options) { for (var i=0; i < this.selectobj.options.length; i++) { // 创建一个新的选择项对象 this.optionscopy[i] = new Option(); // 设置选择项的文本 this.optionscopy[i].text = selectobj.options[i].text; // 设置选择项的值 if (selectobj.options[i].value) { this.optionscopy[i].value = selectobj.options[i].value; } else { this.optionscopy[i].value = selectobj.options[i].text; } } } } this.reset = function() { //重置选择项 this.set(''); }
//实现过滤的方法 this.set = function(pattern) { var loop=0, index=0, regexp, e; if (!this.selectobj) return this.debug('没有实现过滤的控件'); if (!this.selectobj.options) return this.debug('过滤控件中没有内容');
// 清空列表中的内容 this.selectobj.options.length = 0;
// 使用正则实现字符过滤-初始化正则 try { regexp = new RegExp(pattern, this.flags);
} catch(e) { if (typeof this.hook == 'function') { this.hook(); } return; } // 循环添加过滤后的结果 for (loop=0; loop < this.optionscopy.length; loop++) { // 定义选择项 var option = this.optionscopy[loop]; // 实现正则式过滤 if ((this.match_text && regexp.test(option.text)) || (this.match_value && regexp.test(option.value))) { // 使用过滤结果创建新选择项
this.selectobj.options[index++] = new Option(option.text, option.value, false); } } if (typeof this.hook == 'function') { this.hook(); } }
//设置正则表达式的过滤标志 this.set_ignore_case = function(value) { if (value) { this.flags = 'i'; } else { this.flags = ''; } } this.debug = function(msg) { //调试方法 if (this.show_debug) { alert('过滤结果: ' + msg); } } this.init(); //调用初始化方法 } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>过滤字符实例</H1> <FORM name=myform action=""><SELECT size=5 name=myselect> <OPTION>Aefdf Rsses<OPTION>Lbadmn Adjlf<OPTION>Monica Betty<OPTION>Daniel Jack<OPTION>Bill Gayes<OPTION>Lama Tampel<OPTION>Natty Lees<OPTION>Harry J. Leoo<OPTION>Matty McColm<OPTION>Carrie-Anne Moss<OPTION>Collin Chou<OPTION>Genevieve O'Reilly<OPTION>Harold Perrineau Jr.<OPTION>Jada Pinkett Smith<OPTION>Adrian Rayment<OPTION>Neil Rayment<OPTION>Bruce Spence<OPTION>Hugo Weaving<OPTION>Lambert Wilson<OPTION>Anthony Wong</OPTION></SELECT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var myfilter = new filterlist(document.myform.myselect); //调用过滤的方法 </SCRIPT> <P>过滤: <A title="Clear the filter" href="javascript:myfilter.reset()">重置</A> <A title="Show items starting with A" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^A')">A</A> <A title="Show items starting with B" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^B')">B</A> <A title="Show items starting with C" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^C')">C</A> <A title="Show items starting with D" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^D')">D</A> <A title="Show items starting with E" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^E')">E</A> <A title="Show items starting with F" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^F')">F</A> <A title="Show items starting with G" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^G')">G</A> <A title="Show items starting with H" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^H')">H</A> <A title="Show items starting with I" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^I')">I</A> <A title="Show items starting with J" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^J')">J</A> <A title="Show items starting with K" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^K')">K</A> <A title="Show items starting with L" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^L')">L</A> <A title="Show items starting with M" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^M')">M</A> <A title="Show items starting with N" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^N')">N</A> <A title="Show items starting with O" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^O')">O</A> <A title="Show items starting with P" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^P')">P</A> <A title="Show items starting with Q" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^Q')">Q</A> <A title="Show items starting with R" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^R')">R</A> <A title="Show items starting with S" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^S')">S</A> <A title="Show items starting with T" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^T')">T</A> <A title="Show items starting with U" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^U')">U</A> <A title="Show items starting with V" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^V')">V</A> <A title="Show items starting with W" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^W')">W</A> <A title="Show items starting with X" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^X')">X</A> <A title="Show items starting with Y" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^Y')">Y</A> <A title="Show items starting with Z" href="javascript:myfilter.set('^Z')">Z</A> </P></FORM></BODY></HTML>
本例的重点是使用正则表达式实现字符的过滤,还实现了动态添加列表项的功能。代码中使用“new”关键字创建了RegExp对象,其用来提供简单的正则表达式支持功能。使用RegExp对象的“test”方法,可以对指定的字符串执行一个正则表达式搜索,并返回一个布尔值指示是否找到匹配的模式。当搜索到结果时就使用“new Option”动态创建一个列表项,同时添加到列表中。
为了JS代码的准确性,请点击:Ajax效果的字符串过滤 进行本实例源码下载